Sylvain Kustyan is a musician

Pour contacter Sylvain Kustyan - Chansons - Musician:

Sylvain Kustyan is a musician who has dedicated most of his time writing songs to learn the English language.

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vendredi 9 novembre 2012

Sylvain Kustyan : Halloween!

Pour fêter Halloween, vous pouvez utiliser cette petite chanson facile à retenir par les élèves!

Bonne écoute!

mercredi 16 mai 2012

Sylvain Kustyan Musician : La chanson du vampire

Sylvain Kustyan - Musician - Chansons - Anglais
Watch the vampire comes!

Objectifs de langue: Le présent simple, les adverbes de fréquence, les habitudes (routine)
Thèmes: Halloween - Les vampires

Sur YouTube, cliquer sur l'onglet Sous-Titres et vous aurez une version Karaoké. 
Watch! The Vampire comes!
He's always up around midnight
He never sleeps during the night
There he comes, there he goes
He's always silent on tiptoe
He's always silent on tiptoe
Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe...
Watch! The vampire comes!
Sometimes, you hear around midnight
Footsteps creaking in the night
Lock your door! There he goes!
There comes the vampire on tiptoe
There comes the vampire on tiptoe
Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe...
Watch! The vampire comes!
He never makes a single noise
Always watches girls or boys
Often dreams of tender meat
Oh yes, he always wants to eat
Oh yes, he always wants to eat
Sweet meat, sweet meat, sweet meat!
Watch! The vampire comes!


Vous êtes libres d'utiliser cette chanson en classe dans le cadre de l'apprentissage de l'anglais.

Vous pouvez également la mettre sur votre site tant que vous ajoutez un lien vers cette page:

mardi 1 mai 2012

Sylvain Kustyan Chansons - Using music and songs when teaching English

When I teach English, I very often resort to music and songs to make learning more fun!
Some teachers believe it is a waste of time to use songs in class when there is so much to do. I will tell you, there is no need to feel guilty about using music in class. It helps to motivate the young learners and to create a cheerful atmosphere in the class.
It is great to start a period with five minutes' singing for example or to end it like that.
So feel free to use music as much as you like! The students will love it! It will help them to gain confidence in themselves. They will be more willing to participate in class as well.

mercredi 11 avril 2012

Sylvain Kustyan Musician Cinema Chanson - My crazy family!

En version Karaoké sur Youtube

Sur YouTube, cliquer sur l'onglet Sous-Titres et vous aurez une version Karaoké. 
My Crazy Family
Sylvain Kustyan - Musician
There's my mother with green hair
But my father doesn't care
There's my brother who gets stronger
Every breakfast lunch and dinner
And my sister, oh Yucky!
Who eats nothing but jelly
What a strange and crazy family!

But my favourite one of all
Is my crazy uncle Paul
Always sings, makes us fly
Always jumps and jumps so high
Often eats a dozen eggs
Always drinks two gallons straight!
Mister Crazy, in the family!

I remember yesterday
We all had such a great day
When we went to the sea
Oh together, we were free!
Uncle Paul swam like a fool
Played and ran, it was so cool
Great weekend, with my family!

Yes I love as I love tea
My little crazy family
And we laugh, and we run
Oh together we have fun
Mother, father, brother, sister
Uncle, aunt, cousins, together
Yes, I love my crazy family
Yes I love my crazy crazy crazy family!
Vous êtes libres d'utiliser cette chanson en classe dans le cadre de l'apprentissage de l'anglais.

Vous pouvez également la mettre sur votre site tant que vous ajoutez un lien vers cette page: